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Compare the prices of BlaBlaCars to find the cheapest trip

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With Kombo, compare and combine 400 train, bus, plane and carpooling companies to find the journey that suits you best (cheaper, faster, more ecological, etc.).

Kombo refers to carpooling journeys offered by Blablacar. Blablacar allows you to find drivers and passengers making a journey by car, sharing the costs between travellers

But that's not all! Kombo also takes care of you all along your journey thanks to a customer service based in France and easily reachable 7 days a week, but also full of little tricks and features developed to make your life easier.

BlaBlaCar in 2 minutes

World's carpooling leader.
100,000 trips a day
70 million members
Present in 22 countries
Sometimes called Blabla
Secure system

BlaBlaCar carpooling on Kombo

Is it possible to book a Blablacar on Kombo?

It is possible to find the right Blablacar carpool on Kombo. You will then be redirected to the Blablacar website to complete the reservation. In order to secure the carpooling system, you need to create a Blablacar account.

Is Blablacar cheaper than a bus or train?

Generally speaking, carpooling is much cheaper than the SNCF train. On the other hand, the prices of Blablacars and buses are very comparable. In order to make a precise comparison, we recommend that you do a search on our website.

Is Blablacar really door-to-door?

It is important to look at the pick-up and arrival destinations on the Blablacar's website, to check that the addresses selected by the driver are suitable for you. Indeed, a Blablacar can be great if the driver will drop you off exactly at your destination. But on the other hand, if the place of pick up or drop off is far away, the train or bus would be more convenient: Bus stations are very often located in the city centre and are therefore easier to reach via public transport. Note that Blablacar also owns a bus company, Blablabus.

Which one is more comfortable: Blablacar, the bus, or the train?

It will depend on you! You may want to meet people, surprise them, have an adventure, and in this case carpooling is ideal. But it's a question of desire. On the other hand, if you want to relax, rest, read, without making conversations, go by bus or train, if your budget allows it.

Before you book your BlaBlaCar carpool

Can I cancel my reservation with Blablacar?

As a passenger, cancelling a reservation is very simple. All you have to do is:

  • Go to Reservations BlaBlaCar's homepage

  • Log in

  • Select the trip in question and click "View trip"

  • Click Cancel and choose the reason from the drop-down list.

Is there a refund in case of cancellation with Blablacar?

The amount of the refund in case of cancellation varies depending on the situation.

  • More than 24 hours before departure

    The total amount is refunded except for the reservation fees.

  • Less than 24 hours before departure

    50% of the amount is refunded excluding reservation fees.

  • I do not show up the day of departure.

    No refund.

  • The driver doesn't show up on the day of departure.

    You have to send a request within 24 hours after the scheduled departure (select the trip once you are logged on the website) . If the driver is at fault, the amount is fully refunded.

Is there a minimum age to use BlaBlaCar?

To create a BlaBlaCar account and book on the platform, you must be at least 18 years old. It is possible to make a teenager travel with Blablacar by booking his journey from an adult's account. However, to do so, the following conditions must be met:

  • The teenager must be over 13 years old, otherwise he or she must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

  • Obtain the driver's compliance.

  • Determine precisely and in advance the departure and arrival destinations.

  • the teenager must be picked up immediately upon arrival of the Blablacar.

Do I need my identity documents when carpooling Blablacar?

Yes. a driver has the right to deny you a Blablacar carpool if you do not have your identity documents at the time of the trip. We therefore strongly recommend that you have them with you on the day of the ride.

Are pets allowed with BlaBlaCar?

This depends on the conditions set by each driver on Blablacar. So be careful before booking your journey.

Can I smoke during my BlaBlaCar carpool?

Once again, each driver sets his or her own rules. Some accept smokers and others do not.

The story of BlaBlaCar

In 2006, Frédéric Mazzella bought the carpooling website Covoiturage. He then created the company Comuto which, by selling carpooling solutions to companies, enabled him to offer a free carpooling service to individuals. As this mode of transport became increasingly popular, Comuto launched a 2.0 web version, optimized and user-friendly, in 2008. The same year, Covoiturage became the most widely used carpooling platform in France. And two years later, a mobile application was available on IOS and Android as well as a Spanish version of the site. The 700,000 users are exceeded in August 2010 and 3 months later, it experiences the peak of its activity during the many days of the public transport strike.

The one million members are exceeded in 2011 while the English service of Covoiturage is launched under the name BlaBlaCar which was adopted to standardize the network because, in the meantime, Comuto had started to offer trips in Italy, Portugal, Poland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany. It then continued its international expansion on a continuous basis (Russia, India, etc.). BlaBlaCar bought out its competitors Carpooling, Autohops and Rides amongst others. In 2017, the startup launches into car rental services before launching BlaBlaLines application specifically dedicated to short distances (home-to-work journeys, for example).

Bus operating companies on Kombo

Bus companies | Train companies | Carpooling companies