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Compare the prices of Megabus (Flixbus) to get a cheap ticket

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With Kombo, compare and combine 400 flights, train and bus companies

As an official partner, Kombo allows you to book all your Inoui, Ouigo, TER, Intercités, Thalys and Eurostar tickets in 3 clicks. But we don't stop there: compare and combine 400 train, bus, plane and carpooling companies to always find the best route for all your journeys.

And Kombo doesn't just sell tickets! We also take care of you all along your journey. This includes a customer service based in France and easily reachable 7 days a week, but also a lot of little tricks and features developed to make your life easier, such as tickets available on the phone or automatic refunds in case of delay or cancellation.

Megabus in 2 minutes

  • Still present in Great Britain and North America

  • Bought in 2016 Flixbus in continental Europe

  • + 90 destinations in Britain

  • + 5 million passengers annually

  • + 100 cities in North America

  • British company

  • Creation in 2003

Megabus or Flixbus? With all these companies is to do nothing understand ... Let us enlighten you on the subject.
The confusion that sometimes exists between the two companies is related to the repurchase of Flixbus Megabus lines continental Europe in June 2016. This means that every bus company Megabus that you used to take in France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands will become, eventually, Flixbus bus.

In practical terms what this means? You can now find on Megabus since they are now part of the Flixbus society. Tickets for these buses are available Kombo!

Megabus and its tickets at 1€

Megabus is a British bus company present on the European and North American continents. Megabus arrived in France in 2015 following the liberalization of the sector by Macron law.
A subsidiary of the Stagecoach transport group, the company has become known to the public by operating low costs links on some routes with tickets at € 1.
Unfortunately, times have changed and notes 1 € too ... Even if Megabus continues to operate under its own name in Britain and North America; Continental Europe (France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Netherlands ...), the Megabus lines became Flixbus following the acquisition in June 2016 the British company by the German company.

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