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All our destinations to travel by coach

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How about finding the cheapest journey?

As an official partner of 400 train, bus, plane, and carpooling companies, Kombo allows you to compare all the major companies: SNCF, Ouigo, Trenitalia, Flixbus, BlaBlaCar, Air France, National Express and more. This way, you can be sure to always find the cheapest itinerary for all your journeys.

400 train, bus, plane, and carpool companies

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More than 5000 cities available

With 5,000 destinations available, Kombo offers you a very wide choice of bus trips at the best prices. Our site allows you to buy tickets from all the major companies in Europe, such as Ouibus, Flixbus, National Express or Alsa. Note that these coach operators regularly improve the comfort of their buses to make the journey more pleasant. Compared to plane or train, travel by bus is often cheaper. You can also opt for an experience in night train, in order to save a night in a hotel and make the journey go faster.

You can find on this page map with all the destinations accessible by bus, but also the list of cities served for direct access. This page is interactive, since it is updated based on the available routes. Check back regularly: we add every month new destinations in Europe. Our goal: to offer all the bus companies and interconnect in order to travel between any two cities.

At the sea

Summer or winter, the sea always brings something special. Humankind has always been sensitive to the elements of nature. Whether you want to see the turquoise of the Mediterranean, the Côte Sauvage in Brittany or the beautiful landscapes of Normandy, find the best bus or train journey (or combined) that will allow you to enjoy the sea air for your next holiday or weekend.


Your friend James went to study in Liverpool, but your University is in Nottingham. How to join him for the weekend, if the train is too expensive or simply complete? You have the solution? Find all the student destinations to join friends or just go back to school!


We've only put you down for 10 destinations. But think about it. Take these 10 romantic weekends across Belgium, Italy, England, or France, in short, across Europe. Take the one you love, conclude, and give us news in 9 months.

In summer you vacation at the seaside. As for the winter, it is possible to travel by bus directly into the ski resorts. Breakpoints are spread across more than 10 countries in Europe. Glasgow to Bucharest via Vienna, Stockholm and Seville, every trip is unique. For travel by bus is a real feature compared to the train: to go off the rails...

Traveling by bus is used by students who are sometimes forced to make regular trips back when not studying at home. You will find the most frequent trips to universities. When planning a romantic trip with your significant other, you better put the package on the spot...By bus, you save your money on the fare, and you can even arrange to keep the secret destination and reserve seats the bottom if you do it in too are our best route to go for two.

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Laura, October 2023

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Catherine, March 2024

I just tested your app which seems very clear, fast, intuitive, and comprehensive. The fact that you are in Europe is also a plus.

Zinaida, November 2023

Cheaper than official sites and fast.

Linda34000, June 2023

I just stumbled upon this app that allowed me to find a first-class ticket at a super competitive price!

All bus destinations available on Kombo

All our destinations in Europe by bus

Western Europe

Between paradisiacal beaches and prestigious mountain ranges, Western Europe offers a diversity of cheap destinations by extraordinary bus...

Northern Europe

You are not afraid of rain and bitter beers? Then Northern Europe is for you! Save money by comparing all bus tickets to Northern Europe. The low cost bus tickets offered on our website will allow you to reach the majority of the bus stations of this great and beautiful region. Get ready for a memorable bus trip. Meet at the bus station for departure to the far north!

Eastern Europe

As Interrail has become too expensive and impractical, the best way to travel cheaper in Eastern Europe is by bus. Go on an adventure through magical cities like Budapest , Prague or Vienna . However, be prepared to face time when traveling by bus, distances are often long. More and more bus companies are offering bus tickets throughout Eastern Europe, so make the most of it!