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Flight Comparator: Find the cheapest airline ticket

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With Kombo, compare and combine 400 airlines, trains, and buses

On Kombo, book your airline tickets at the best price. From Paris-New York to Rennes-Guatemala City (Yes, we really sold that ticket), our algorithm compares the largest transport companies to find you the simplest, cheapest, fastest, and most suitable journey for your needs.

Unlike other flight comparators, we don't just settle for the plane. We also include trains, buses, and carpooling. For example, for a Dijon-Tokyo trip, you can combine everything into a single ticket: from the train to Paris and then the plane to Tokyo. And since you have booked everything on Kombo, you can benefit from a connection guarantee to manage any unforeseen events in peace.

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Our best tips for buying plane tickets

When is the best time to buy a plane ticket to pay less?

The ideal time to buy a plane ticket depends on several factors. Most companies use "yield management," which adapts prices based on different criteria, but mostly on supply and demand. However, there are some commonalities that can help identify periods when prices are, on average, cheaper:

  • In general, it is recommended to book between 6 and 10 weeks in advance to get the best price. According to another Skyscanner study, the optimal period is 30 weeks before departure, for the most foresighted.

  • Several studies, including one based on Google Flights data from 2017 to 2022, indicate that tickets are on average cheaper when purchased at night between 4 and 6 a.m. or at least after midnight.

  • As for the day of purchase, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday are the days to prefer.

  • It is best to choose a departure day on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Avoid leaving on weekends or during school holidays.

  • Not surprisingly, July and August are the most expensive months of the year.

Are last-minute tickets a good tip?

Beware of misconceptions! For long-haul flights, last-minute ticket prices are actually higher (+29% on average according to a study by Challenges). It is for short-haul flights that prices drop, starting from 15 days before the departure date.

Therefore, we do not recommend waiting until the last minute to buy your plane tickets, especially if you have a specific destination in mind. However, if you like romantic comedies, we encourage you to go on a last-minute trip to a surprise destination 💙.

Is it a good idea to buy tickets from low-cost airlines?

The best way to make the right choice is to understand how they work. Low-cost airlines like Ryanair, Easyjet or Transavia seek to reduce ticket prices through several methods. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's up to you to see what suits your needs:

  • Selling tickets via the internet to reduce agency fees → so be careful if you prefer to buy your tickets with a "real" person because you need more specific explanations or advice.

  • Departure and arrival from smaller airports (like Paris Beauvais) or via less convenient terminals for access to reduce airport fees → to be evaluated based on your own logistical constraints.

  • Checked baggage fee → this is one of the best-known disadvantages of low-cost airlines. So always check the overall price of your trip, sometimes the baggage supplement is enough to make the low-cost more expensive than other airlines.

  • Cabin baggage fee → beware, some airlines even charge for the luggage you keep with you on the plane.

  • Paid seat selection → this is the great tragedy of families and couples, as the seat reservation option is chargeable. So if you want to be sure to be next to each other, remember to include this additional cost in your calculation.

  • Other paid options → in general, this is where airlines make up for it. From luggage to seat selection to snacks, between 25% and 50% of these companies' revenues come from options.

  • More limited choice of routes → Low-cost airlines calculate which routes are most profitable to maximize their revenues. They therefore often cover fewer routes, which is why it is interesting to use a comparator to always find the best option.

  • Work pace of staff → Staff of these airlines work more, but no worries, the industry is highly regulated, so there are no safety problems. For example, a pilot cannot work more than 11 hours in a row, regardless of the airline.

  • Aircraft profitability → Low-cost airlines do everything they can to avoid keeping the plane on the ground. Indeed, a grounded plane earns nothing

  • More passengers by plane → since these planes do not have first class, airlines gain space! The seats are also closer together to fit more people. They also benefit from a higher occupancy rate. This allows for cheaper tickets, even if you are more cramped.

  • Use of a modern fleet → Low-cost airlines are often relatively new and try to keep a fleet of new planes to have fewer maintenance costs.

So, it all depends on your preferences. The ideal is to compare the overall cost, as low-cost airlines are not always the cheapest.

Direct flight or with connection(s), which is more cost-effective?

The choice between a direct flight and a flight with connection(s) will depend on several factors.

The advantages of a direct flight include:

  • Less total travel time, as you don't have to stop along the way to change planes.

  • Less stress, as you don't have to worry about connections.

  • More comfort if you are carrying a lot of baggage.

The advantages of a flight with connection(s) include:

  • Often lower fares than direct flights, especially if you are traveling long distances.

  • The possibility of making a stopover in an interesting city or country, which can be a enriching experience.

  • Greater flexibility in terms of itinerary and travel time, which can be useful for travelers who want to save money or who are looking to maximize their travel time.

Again, it's best to compare!

Why book a round-trip flight directly?

There are several reasons why it can be advantageous to book round-trip tickets:

  • Better fares: Airlines and online travel agents offer more favorable fares for round-trip tickets than for one-way tickets.

  • Less stress: By booking all flights at once, you can avoid having to book outbound and return flights separately, which can be stressful and time-consuming.

  • Better control over schedules: By booking outbound and return flights at once, you have more control over flight schedules, which can be useful in minimizing layovers or wait times between flights.

How do flight comparators work?

Flight comparators collect prices from different airlines and then display them to allow users to find the best prices. They use algorithms to explore data from airlines and online travel agencies.

Flight comparators can operate in three modes:

  • Use computer programs called "crawler bots" to extract real-time prices from airline websites.

  • Rely on commercial agreements with airlines to obtain pricing data.

  • Work in partnership with online travel agencies to offer additional fares to their users.

Once the prices are collected, flight comparators sort and display them according to the user's search criteria, such as date, departure and return time, airline, layovers, etc. Users can then compare options to find the cheapest flight that meets their needs. Flight comparators can also provide other useful information, such as flight schedules, flight times, baggage costs, etc.

Finally, once the user has chosen a flight, they can usually book it directly through the comparator, or be redirected to the airline or online travel agency website to finalize the reservation. Flight comparators can also offer additional services, such as travel insurance and payment options.

As you can see, the strength of a comparator largely lies in the number of companies from which it is able to obtain tickets. This is how it has the best chance of finding the best prices. At Kombo, for example, we reference more than 400 airlines but also trains, buses, and carpooling companies.

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Everything you need to know before boarding a plane

Which tickets to present at the airport?

In order to board the plane, you will need to check in. For this, there are 3 options:

  • Check in online: around 24 to 48 hours before departure time, the airline allows you to check in through its website. This is the best way to get good seats, but you need to remember to print your boarding pass.

  • At the kiosks: most airports now have kiosks that allow you to check in or print your boarding pass. This is a faster option than the counters, but if you have baggage, you won't have a choice: you have to go to the check-in counter.

  • Check in at the counter: for this, make sure to have your booking confirmation and a valid ID.

For international flights, of course, take your passport. Some countries also require a visa. Make sure to check all the entry requirements of your destination before leaving.

What is the check-in deadline?

The check-in deadline varies by airline, usually between 15 and 90 minutes before takeoff time.

What is prohibited in the airplane cabin?

Prohibitions vary between countries and airlines. The most common restrictions are:

  • Firearms and any other object that could be used as a weapon, such as knives, scissors, etc.

  • Explosives, including items containing aerosol gas, such as paint aerosols and lighters.

  • Liquids in large quantities: more than 100 ml.

  • Prepared food and drink, such as sandwiches, fruits, salads, and bottled drinks.

  • Dangerous items such as lithium batteries, hoverboards, drones, etc.

  • Illegal substances such as drugs, narcotics, etc.

  • Tools for work such as hammers, drills, saws, etc.

It is therefore always recommended to check the airline's policies before traveling.

How many bags am I allowed to take?

The number of bags allowed depends on the airline and class of travel. Generally, airlines allow 1 or 2 bags to be carried in the cabin, in addition to a small handbag or laptop (for example, 2 for Air France, 1 for Easyjet).

It is also important to check the size and weight of carry-on and checked baggage, as some airlines impose strict limits on the size and weight of baggage. Excess baggage can still be checked and billed based on weight and volume. If you think you will exceed the limits imposed for your ticket, consider buying a supplement in advance. It will cost you less.

For the more adventurous, you can always do like the tourist who stacked 15 layers of clothing to avoid the supplement (this is not an official recommendation from Kombo!).

What are the dimensions of carry-on luggage?

The dimensions of carry-on luggage may vary slightly but are generally 56 cm x 45 cm x 25 cm (max 10kg).

What are the dimensions of checked baggage?

The dimensions of checked baggage vary from one airline to another. They are generally a maximum of 158cm (total height + width + length), for example: 70 cm x 90 cm x 50 cm (max 23kg).

Can I bring toothpaste?

In the cabin, toothpaste is considered a liquid. It can therefore be brought in the cabin, provided it is less than 100ml and stored in a closed bag, with a maximum capacity of 1L.

Can I bring medication?

Medication or medical products are allowed in the quantity necessary for the duration of the trip, provided there is a medical prescription.

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Some information about airplanes and their history

How was the airplane invented?

The airplane was invented in the early 20th century, after centuries of observation, research, and experimentation in the field of aeronautics. The first airplane projects date back to the late 19th century, when engineers and inventors began designing machines capable of flight. The beginning of aviation mixes airplanes as we know them today and dirigible balloons.

The first motorized airplane was built by the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright. They made their first successful flight in 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Their plane, called the Flyer, was a simple machine with a wooden structure and a propeller to propel the aircraft into the air.

Since then, airplanes have evolved considerably, from simple flying machines to reliable and safe passenger transport devices. Today, airplanes are used for activities such as long-distance passenger and cargo transport, military transport, reconnaissance flights, and scientific missions.

Who invented the airplane?

The airplane is considered to have been invented by the Wright brothers. They were passionate inventors and engineers, and their achievement was a decisive moment in the history of aeronautics and modern transportation. Their invention paved the way for significant developments in the aviation field, and their name is now associated with the history of the airplane.

But the paternity of the airplane cannot be attributed solely to the Wright brothers. From Leonardo da Vinci's sketches to non-approved trials by Clément Ader, several people contributed to the creation of the airplane as we know it. Santos-Dumont and Glenn Curtiss are, for example, other names that contributed to aviation.

How does an airplane work?

An airplane works using a combination of different systems and physical principles that generate the necessary lifting force to fly. Here are the main elements that allow an airplane to work:

  • Wing: wings are designed to generate lift, which helps to lift the airplane into the air. The shape of the wing is crucial to generate the right amount of lift.

  • Engine: the engine provides the power needed to propel the airplane through the air. Engines can be jet or propeller-based, depending on the type of airplane.

  • Propeller: the propeller is used to push the airplane forward by converting the energy produced by the engine into movement.

  • Landing gear: the landing gear allows the airplane to land safely on a runway. It can include wheels, flaps, and other elements to facilitate takeoff and landing.

  • Flight controls: flight controls, such as rudder, ailerons, and stabilizer, allow the pilot to control the airplane in flight.

In flight, the airplane must maintain a balance between the different forces: lift, drag, and thrust. The pilot can use flight controls to adjust the airplane in flight and maintain stable flight. Modern electronic systems, such as automatic flight control systems, can also help maintain balance and stability in flight.

Where does the word "airplane" come from?

"Airplane" comes from the Latin word "avis," which means "bird." Airplanes were first designated as "aeroplanes." It was in homage to Clément Ader that they were baptized "avion" by General Roques.

Why is there no row 13 on airplanes?

There is no row 13 on airplanes due to superstitions associated with the number 13. The number 13 is considered an unlucky number in many cultures, including in the West, and it is associated with bad luck and misfortune.

Airlines and aircraft manufacturers have often adopted this superstition to minimize passenger concerns. As a result, seat rows on airplanes are often numbered from 1 to 12, then from 14 to the next row, without including the number 13.

Although this may seem ridiculous to some, it is quite common for businesses to take into account superstitions and popular beliefs to improve the customer experience. Airlines can reassure passengers and avoid unnecessary issues in this way.

Who are the most famous aviators?

There are several famous airplane pilots who have made their mark on aviation history for various reasons, such as aviation feats, world records, technical innovations, and more. Here are some of the most famous airplane pilots:

  • Charles Lindbergh: Charles Lindbergh is best known for his solo transatlantic flight in 1927. He was the first pilot to cross the Atlantic non-stop, from New York to Paris.

  • Amelia Earhart: Amelia Earhart is a famous aviator and an iconic figure in aviation. She was the first woman to cross the Atlantic solo in 1932, and she set several flight records around the world.

  • Yuri Gagarin: This is not about airplanes, but rockets! Yuri Gagarin is the first man to have flown in space. In 1961, he made an orbital flight around the Earth aboard Vostok 1.

  • Neil Armstrong: Neil Armstrong is best known for being the first man to walk on the Moon in 1969. He was also a high-level test pilot and a NASA astronaut.

  • Chuck Yeager: Chuck Yeager is an American test pilot who was the first to fly faster than the speed of sound in 1947. He set numerous flight records and participated in many flight programs for NASA and the United States Air Force.

  • Antoine de Saint Exupéry: An aviator known not for his aviation feats but for his writings. He is the author of "The Little Prince".

Why are people afraid of flying?

There are several reasons why some people may experience fear when flying. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Uncertainty: Flying can be perceived as uncertain and uncontrollable for some people.

  • Separation: Airplanes can represent a physical separation from familiar people and places.

  • Fear of heights: Some people may have a fear of heights, which can be amplified by the sensation of flying at high altitudes.

  • Air incidents: The media can give excessive coverage to air incidents, which can cause fear in some people.

  • Lack of control: In airplanes, passengers are often aware of their lack of control over flight conditions, which can cause fear.

It is important to note that these fears are often irrational and airplanes are actually one of the safest means of transportation available. However, for those who suffer from fear of flying, there are ways to manage and overcome their fear, such as behavioral therapy or positive visualization.