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Kombo offers Sindbad bus tickets and other companies. Find cheap bus tickets by comparing Sindbad and pay directly on Kombo. Sindbad's is the bus transport leader in Poland. The bus company also occupies an important position on the European market of intercity transportation. Established in 1983 under the name of Travel Agency Private Sinbad, Sinbad changed its name in 2009 and the international transport became its main business. Based in Poland, it allows links between 28 countries in Europe. Links including France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia, Croatia and many others... It has one of the largest and most recent bus fleet in Europe and it continues to expand on the continent.

Sindbad in 2 minutes !

  • Millions of passengers each year

  • 200 polish cities + 320 European Cities

  • A fleet of more than 300 modern buses

  • Polish Company from 1983

  • 33 saves in France

Before purchasing your Sindbad ticket

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Sindbad's comfort

Sindbad buses are comfortable and equipped with reclining seats, toilets and air conditioning. Most of them are equipped with electrical sockets and USB. We still recommend charging devices before boarding, and if you can, take a backup battery with you.

Is Sindbad equipped with WiFi?

If traveling in Poland, yes, in terms of other countries that will depend on the bus. Download (legally of course) movies and series, take a good book or prepare yourself a great playlist to have a good trip!

Are children allowed to travel unaccompanied in Sindbad?

Since January 2017, the French law requires that children under 18 living in France are in possession of an Authorization territory outlet signed by the legal guardian to travel abroad alone.
Children under 12 years can not travel alone. Between 12 and 18, they can if a legal guardian fills that form in front of a member of the crew just before boarding the bus. They must be present for the departure. These minor transport conditions do not apply in Britain, Italy, Greece, Ukraine and Bulgaria, for these countries, the minimum age for traveling alone is 16 years.

Any passenger traveling on a Sindbad bus must have a valid ticket with his name. Infants can travel in car seats but they will not be provided by the bus company. Therefore feel free to bring one.

More info on the journey of the minor passengers in the bus Sindbad

Why buy your tickets with Kombo ?

  • Average savings of 50€ observed

  • 90,000+ destinations in Europe and worldwide

  • 4.7/5, or 95% satisfaction on Trustpilot

  • Your tickets accessible on the phone

  • Cancellation and exchange in 2 clicks

  • Refund directly on your bank account

You have your Sindbad bus tickets...

How much time in advance should I arrive before the start?

Sindbad passenger are required to attend at least 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time. We always advise to be there at least 30 minutes before the departure time, the bus can sometimes arrive early.

What is the maximum size of luggage for Sindbad bus?

Passengers are allowed to travel in the bus with 2 luggages whose total weight does not exceed 30 kg and a hand baggage up to 5 kg.
The foldable strollers are considered as checked baggage.

Can I travel with my bike on the bus Sindbad?

Unfortunately it's not possible to travel with a bike, you can not take your bike on a Sindbad bus...

Can I bring my pet?

Your dog, cat or rabbit may travel with you ONLY if you make a request in writing before. The company can then accept or decline. To travel, as all other passengers, your companions will have a ticket, a passport, a microchip and veterinary tests up to date. Only animals of less than 4 kg may be accepted.

More about transporting animals on Sindbad buses

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