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Compare the prices of Aisa to have the cheapest trip

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Navigate forward to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.

With Kombo, compare and combine 400 train, bus, plane and carpooling companies to find the journey that suits you best (cheaper, faster, more ecological, etc.).

But that's not all! Kombo also takes care of you all along your journey thanks to a customer service based in France and easily reachable 7 days a week, but also full of little tricks and features developed to make your life easier.

Aisa in 2 minutes

  • Spanish company

  • For more than 80 years

  • 243 routes

  • 42,000 daily passengers

Before purchasing your Aisa ticket

Great discounts and promotional codes with Aisa

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Are seats reserved in Aisa ?

Depending on the route, Aisa offers reserved seats or free allocation seats.

Is Aisa equipped with WiFi?

Normally, all Aisa buses are equipped with free Wi-Fi, depending on the route and the chosen bus.

Is Aisa equipped with electrical outlets?

Many of Aisa's buses have plugs, but this will depend on the route and the selected bus.

Is Aisa equipped with toilets?

All Aisa normally have WC, depending on the distance of the journey.

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