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Train London Orléans

With Kombo, book your train, bus and plane tickets

mapDes billets pas cher

426 km

HorlogeTemps de trajet

TrainTrain, TER, TGV, Thalys, Eurostar

Connecting train

Why book a London - Orléans train ticket with Kombo ?

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checkedchecked All the departure and arrival times for London - Orléans

Who are we?

We created our website with one goal in mind: to allow everyone, thanks to our super algorithm, to find cheaper tickets, more simply and transparently. Official partner of more than 400 Train, Bus and Plane companies, Kombo offers more choice on your journeys and better prices.

Great discovery

Hello, currently on the high speed train to my family in Belgium. I'm very satisfied with the Kombo website! It's simple and efficient...just what I like! First experience and not the last. I wish Kombo all the best. Sabrina Sabrina

Train London Orléans in brief

Average price

Price range


Fastest London-Orléans train


Number of trains / day

The train to Orléans takes on average 2h34 minutes. This is the ideal time to have a good nap. But feel free to read, watch a few episodes of your favorite series, or listen to the latest and trending music...

The distance between London and Orléans is 426 km and the average speed is 166 km/h.

No bus company provides the route London - Orléans.

First and last train London Orléans.

First Train London - Orléans.

Departure at 04:58

Last Train London - Orléans

Departure at 04:58

London - Orléans train on average every


How to travel at cheapest prices from London to Orléans

To find an even cheaper London Orléans train ticket, we suggest you should travel during off-peak periods. This will be during the day (middle) on weekdays, or very early in the morning or late in the evening. On weekends, London-Orléans train tickets are more expensive especially at the beginning of the weekend and on Sunday evenings. Finally, the closer the departure date, the higher the prices increases, especially in the event of heavy traffic. So you have to anticipate during weekends and holidays.

The 4 tips for travelling cheaper by train :

Our guides on Cheap train tickets.

How to cancel my train tickets on Kombo

The advantage of booking with Kombo is that cancellations are very simple and fast. Thanks to your reservation number from your confirmation email, or directly via your customer account in the heading my tickets , you can find your tickets and cancel them .
We even prepared a guide for you to know how to cancel your train tickets easily .

Departure stations at London

Destination stations in Orléans

Departing from London, trains for Orléans will arrive at one of the following stations:

Most popular trains from London

Cheapest trains from London

Why travel far when you can visit some coolest regions 3 hours of trip from London? Kombo allows you to go to no less than 12 cities, 3 hours of trip from London. Don't wait any longer, compare, book and travel at the best prices!

The trains present on Kombo :