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Get on the train with Trenord

As the official partner of 400 train , bus , plane and carpooling companies , Kombo allows you to compare all the major companies: Trenitalia , italo , SNCF, Flixbus , BlaBlaCar , Ryanair , etc. This way, you can always find the best itinerary for all your trips.

Even after purchasing the ticket , our customer service is available 7 days a week. Get all the information to guarantee you the best price , fastest journey, timetable, Trenord offers.

400 train, bus, plane, and carpool companies

Cancellation and exchange in 2 clicks on Kombo

Contact our customer service 7 days a week, until 23 pm

Have we introduced you to Kombo?

Kombo is, above all, a team of travel enthusiasts who work (secretly) to make ticket searching simpler. With over 4 million users, the platform has been allowing you to compare and book train, bus, plane, and carpooling tickets since 2016.

But we don't just sell tickets! We also take care of you throughout your journey. This includes a customer service based in France, easily reachable 7 days a week, as well as many little tips and features developed to make your life easier. For example, tickets available on your phone or automatic reimbursement in case of delays or cancellations.

Trenord is the main railway service in Lombardy which operates in partnership with Trenitalia and Ferrovie Nord Milano. This service offers an extensive network connecting Milan to key destinations such as Bergamo, Brescia, Verona and Como.

You can easily check timetables and plan trips via the website or the Kombo app.

Fares are flexible and cheaper than high-speed trains. Although occasional delays may occur, Trenord is committed to providing a reliable service. Periodic promotions and discounts make travel even more convenient. In summary, Trenord is the ideal companion for traveling comfortably and accessible through Lombardy.

How to book a Trenord ticket?

You can purchase your Italo ticket online via computer or using our app . To make a purchase, simply enter the departure and arrival station, select the date or dates and choose the departure time slot you prefer. We will show you all the available travel solutions so you can purchase the one best suited to your needs and compare with other train companies (such as Trenitalia), buses , airlines and car-pooling companies (such as Blablacar). You can also use our filters to narrow your search and find the trip that best suits your needs!

Trenord in a nutshell

  • Trenord is a railway company that operates mainly in the regions of Lombardy

  • 330 trains running every day

  • Made up of two entities: Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM) and Trenitalia

  • 460 stations on a 2,000km network

  • It connects 77% of Lombardy municipalities

Trenord tickets

How can I change class with Trenord?

If you have a 2nd Class ticket, you have the option of upgrading to 1st Class travel by paying only the difference in price. You can do this by going to ticket offices and authorized retailers, or through vending machines or on board the train.

If there is a Trenord strike, can I get a refund?

If you were unable to travel due to the strike, you can submit your refund request within 48 working hours of the last day of the strike.

What are STIBM tickets?

Trenord's STIBM (Integrated Tariff System of Mobility Basins) tickets are an integrated ticketing system used for public transport in the Lombardy region of Italy. These tickets allow travelers to use various forms of public transport within the region, including trains, subways, trams and buses, paying an integrated fare based on the zone or route covered.

The zones are divided into urban and interurban and range from 1 to 7.

How long does a Trenord ticket last?

Ordinary tickets have a duration, starting from the first validation, of 75 minutes for 2 zones and:

+15 minutes for each additional zone up to 4;

+30 minutes for each additional zone for tickets with 5 zones and more.

As regards the metropolis of Milan, the minimum fare that can be purchased is 3 zones and the ticket is valid for 90 minutes from the first validation.

The number of trips that can be made during the minutes of validity is unlimited: multiple trips are allowed on the subway, for example, and also both the outward and return journeys by train.

Why buy your tickets with Kombo ?

  • Average savings of 50€ observed

  • 90,000+ destinations in Europe and worldwide

  • 4.7/5, or 95% satisfaction on Trustpilot

  • Your tickets accessible on the phone

  • Cancellation and exchange in 2 clicks

  • Refund directly on your bank account

Connections with Malpensa and Bergamo Airport

Trenord offers connections to and from various airports such as Malpensa. You can take a regional train or the Malpensa Express regional fast train , which connects the airport to the center of Milan in less than an hour.

Connection with Bergamo Orio al Serio

Trenord not only connects the cities of Lombardy with Malpensa Airport , but also with Orio al Serio Airport .

In fact, it is possible to reach Bergamo station comfortably with the regional Trenord connections and from there continue the journey by bus to Bergamo Orio al Serio Airport. And you can purchase the train plus bus combination directly on Kombo by comparing hundreds of available bus companies .

Each review motivates us even more

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Laura, October 2023

Easy to use and smooth, this app saves me money and time

Catherine, March 2024

I just tested your app which seems very clear, fast, intuitive, and comprehensive. The fact that you are in Europe is also a plus.

Zinaida, November 2023

Cheaper than official sites and fast.

Linda34000, June 2023

I just stumbled upon this app that allowed me to find a first-class ticket at a super competitive price!

The Trenord connections

Trenord operates mainly within the Lombardy Region, connecting Milan with its hinterland and reaching all the main cities in the area. With Trenord it is also possible to travel on cross-border routes between Lombardy and Switzerland, reaching Chiasso, Bellinzona, Mendrisio and Lugano.

Compare and combine 400 train, bus, plane and carpooling companies

How does the new STIBM tariff system work?

The Integrated Tariff System of the Milan and Monza Brianza Mobility Basin (STIBM) is the subsequent evolution of the previous Integrated Tariff System of the Milan Area (SITAM).

STIBM not only covers all municipalities included in the Metropolitan City of Milan and in the Provinces of Milan and Monza Brianza, but also extends to other municipalities outside the province, which were previously part of the SITAM area.

How to send a complaint to Trenord?

  • Fill out the online form : (you must be registered on the Trenord website)

  • Write to the PEC : [email protected]

  • Use the Fax : 0285114155

  • Send a registered letter addressed to TRENORD Piazza Cadorna, 14 - 20123 Milan (specifying the reason "Complaint Submission" on the envelope)

For the transmission of defense writings , however:

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