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Book your cheap train and bus tickets to Ferrara.

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How about finding the cheapest journey?

As an official partner of 400 train, bus, plane, and carpooling companies, Kombo allows you to compare all the major companies: SNCF, Ouigo, Trenitalia, Flixbus, BlaBlaCar, Air France, and more. This way, you can be sure to always find the best itinerary for all your journeys.

400 train, bus, plane, and carpool companies

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Laura, October 2023

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Catherine, March 2024

I just tested your app which seems very clear, fast, intuitive, and comprehensive. The fact that you are in Europe is also a plus.

Zinaida, November 2023

Cheaper than official sites and fast.

Linda34000, June 2023

I just stumbled upon this app that allowed me to find a first-class ticket at a super competitive price!

2 connections
9 trips/day
Price from 19 €

How do I get to Ferrara?

To get to Ferrara you can take the train, the bus. Indeed, there are 6 trains, 3 buses arriving in Ferrara every day.

The problem with ticket prices is that they change all the time. But it's also hard to find a reliable site that offers you a complete range of products and services, available 7 days a week.

The train is the most comfortable way to get to Ferrara. You'll be able to sit in your seat much faster than on a plane, and you'll be able to get up during the journey, whether to go to the car bar or the toilet. Beware, however, of strikes (rare) and delays. It's also the most ecological means of transport. By the time you close your eyes, you'll be in Ferrara.

The bus, like carpooling, often has the advantage of being the cheapest way to travel. In addition to that, even if the trips for Ferrara can be longer or of the same duration as by car, today's buses are equipped with comfortable seats and often benefit from a free wifi connection. On the other hand if you like to chat and meet people, carpooling with blablacar will be the perfect option.

Which cities are connected to Ferrara?

There are also direct bus tickets from 0 different cities to Ferrara.

Kombo has developed a technology that combines all means of transport. This means you can reach Ferrara from 2 different cities.

Map legend

City of departure by train
City of departure by bus
City of departure by plane

How to pay less for your transport ticket to Ferrara

To find a cheaper train ticket to Ferrara, we recommend :

  • compare different transport companies on Kombo, including OuiGo
  • book in advance
  • avoid peak times (weekends, vacations)
  • buy a discount card like the SNCF Avantage Card

Find out all our tips for buying cheap train tickets.

Bus tickets for Ferrara are often cheaper than train and plane tickets. But as prices move with supply and demand, compare the prices of tickets for Ferrara. Discover our secrets for finding cheap bus tickets.

Which company to go to Ferrara ?

Ferrara is served by the following railway companies :
No less than 4 bus companies can take you to Ferrara :

How to buy your ticket for Ferrara ?

After finding a cheap ticket on Kombo, we recommend you to book it directly on our website. As Kombo compares the prices of all buses, trains and planes, you will have the best choice and the best price on your ticket for Ferrara. Be careful, buses, trains and even planes can be quickly full during the weekend and holidays. And if you don't want to leave after buying a ticket, we've got you covered with a guide to how to cancel your bus and train tickets easily.

Where do the trains arrive at Ferrara?

When you arrive in the city of Ferrara the trains stop at 5 different train stations.
In general trains stop at Ferrara or Pontelagoscuro stations.
  • Ferrara

  • Pontelagoscuro

  • Codigoro


Where do the buses arrive at Ferrara?

In Ferrara buses stop at 5 bus stations. The most frequent are Stazione ferroviaria and Ferrara.
  • Stazione ferroviaria

  • Ferrara

  • Codigoro


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  • Save your personal information to book in a few seconds

  • Contact customer service in 2 clicks

Cheap train tickets for Ferrara